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回家英语怎么说(回家与go home的区别)


回家的英文:homeward 英 [‘h??mw?d]     美 [‘ho?mw?rd]     释义:adj. 回家的 ;adv. 回家地(=homewards) 英英释义:Adjective:oriented toward home;

1、”in a homeward direction” “homeward-bound commuters” Adverb: toward home; 1、”fought his way homeward through the deep snow” 例句: 用作形容词 (adj.) 1、The tanker blew up on its homeward journey. 油罐车在归途中爆炸了。

2、Moonlight was my homeward escort. 月光是我归途上的护卫人。 扩展资料: 近义词辨析 homework 英 [‘h??mw??k]     美 [‘ho?mw??rk]     双解释义n. (名词): 1、[U]家庭作业 studies which must be done at home so as to learn and prepare for what is studied at school 2、[U]准备工作 work done in preparation for a meeting 例句 用作名词 (n.) 1、He has done only a fraction of his homework. 他只做了家庭作业的一小部分。 2、I must finish my homework first. 我必须首先做完家庭作业。


I will go home after that。

I的意思是我。will的意思是将要,表将来。go的意思是去,home是副词,故要省略go后面的to,意为“家”。go home的意思是回家。after是介词,意为“在某事之后”。that是代词,意为“那”。

英语:我们在回家途中经过的那家礼品店买了许多礼物给父母We ()()()()()our paren

  • 英语:我们在回家途中经过的那家礼品店买了许多礼物给父母We ()()()()()our parents in the gift shop on the way home
  • buy lots of presents to


  • I ran in护鼎篙刮蕻钙戈水恭惊to my aunt on my way home.现在说说你的中文:我回家路上遇见了姑姑!这便够了!


  • 背单词,看美剧,我还挂了高数和线代呢,不要慌张补考很简单的


  • 英语是:I can go home tomorrow


  • We w掸福侧凰乇好岔瞳唱困ill be back at the end of July.We will back at the end of July.


  • 沪肠高段薨灯胳犬供华"Miss you, a few days to go home. Meet this before!"


  • She is afraid to walk home at night.


  • do you want to go home?


  • 珍妮答应放学回家后整理她的房间Jeanne promised to tidy her room after school.珍妮答应放学回家后整理她的房间Jeanne promised to tidy her room after s迹辅管恍攮喝归桶害垃chool.