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初一 First Day of the Lunar Year (Chinese New Year)

初二 Second Day of the Lunar Year (Chinese New Year)

除夕 New Year Eve (Chinese New Year Eve)


  • 一个句子 the traditional has been going for 100years 还是 the traditional is been going for 100years
  • 第一个


  • 我一般听taylor. swift 的


  • 想找一首适合初二两个女生一起唱的英文歌,最好是泰勒斯威夫特或者艾薇儿的,不要那么难,最好不要很容易就会走调这种。
  • 上帝是女孩。艾薇儿的 曲调也很简单。


  • 今年的春节是2014年1月31日。春节是我国的传统节日。1月28日时,我和爸爸、妈妈乘车回到了家乡宝鸡。除夕晚上,我们一家人团聚在一起,观看春节联欢晚会,享受团圆的快乐。接下来的几天里,我们一家来到了乡村走亲访友,许久未见的亲人们在一起谈天说地,倾诉着自己过去一年的经历。人们还自行组织了春节文艺表演,乡亲们各自发挥所长,唱歌、吉他等表演也十分热闹,小孩们也身穿红色的新衣服,十分开心。
  • This years Spring Festival is on January 31, 2014. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our country. On January 28th, father, mother and I drove back to his hometown of baoji. New Years eve night, our family reunion together, watch the Spring Festival gala, enjoy the joy of reunion. In the next few days, our family went to the country visiting relatives and friends, loved ones for a long time not seen together chat say ground, talk to her experience over the past year. People also organize cultural and artistic performance, the Spring Festival folks each director, such as singing, guitar performance is also very lively, children dressed in red is new clothes, very happy.


  • 今年的春节是2014年1月31日。春节是我国的传统节日。1月28日时,我和爸爸、妈妈乘车回到了家乡宝鸡。除夕晚上,我们一家人团聚在一起,观看春节联欢晚会,享受团圆的快乐。接下来的几天里,我们一家来到了乡村走亲访友,许久未见的亲人们在一起谈天说地,倾诉着自己过去一年的经历。人们还自行组织了春节文艺表演,乡亲们各自发挥所长,唱歌、吉他等表演也十分热闹,小孩们也身穿红色的新衣服,十分开心。
  • This years Spring Festival is on January 31, 2014. The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of our country. On January 28th, father, mother and I drove back to his hometown of baoji. New Years eve night, our family reunion together, watch the Spring Festival gala, enjoy the joy of reunion. In the next few days, our family went to the country visiting relatives and friends, loved ones for a long time not seen together chat say ground, talk to her experience over the past year. People also organize cultural and artistic performance, the Spring Festival folks each director, such as singing, guitar performance is also very lively, children dressed in red is new clothes, very happy.


  • 我最佩服的人,是我的爸爸,他是一个非常幽默的人,在他的口中,这个世界上几乎所有的事,都变得风趣而生动,在我遇到困难或者沮丧的时候,他的诙谐仿佛拥有神奇的魔力,让我破涕为笑他特别忙碌,在我的记忆里,他更像一个‘车夫’,记得我上幼儿园那几年,每天风雨无阻开车送我上学,几乎从未间断,即使前一天晚上,他是凌晨三点才回到家中他是一个事业心很重的人,管理着几百人的区域公司,即使在家的时候,也经常在电话中长时间讨论工作上的事,我发现他有一个神奇的特点,就是不管多累,只要投入到工作中,他就会立刻充满无穷的精力和力量,他很爱我和妈妈,每次出差离家或者回家,拥抱我们,已经成为他做的第一件事,只要有时间,他就会和我们一起散步,聊天,甚至会全神贯注地陪我一起打游戏,这个时候,他特别像一个顽皮的孩子。在我长大的岁月里,爸爸是一个清晰而模糊的身影,他是一个好爸爸,也是一个成功的男人,更是一个能让我们这个家充满快乐与幸福的人。
  • I most admire, is my father, he is a very humorous person, in his mouth, and almost all of the things in the world, became more interesting and vivid, when I meet with difficulties or frustration, witty as if he has the magic of magic, let me smile through tears he was particularly busy, in my memory, he is more like a "driver", remember I was in kindergarten years, rain or shine drove me to school every day, almost never stopped, even if the night before, he is three o clock in the morning to get back home he is a man of very heavy enterprise, manages the regional concentrations of firms of hundreds of people, even at home, often also discuss working long hours on the phone, I found that he has a fantastic features, is that no matter how tired, as long as into work, he would immediately full of boundless energy and power, he is very love my mother and I, each business or home away from home, embrace us, has become the first thing he did, as long as there is time, he will be with us for a walk, chat, even absorbed accompany me to play the game, this time, he is especially like a naughty child. In the years I grew up, my father is a clear and fuzzy figure, he is a good father, is also a man of success, but a can make our family full of joy and happiness.


  • 求求各位帮帮我!!在下感激不尽!!!!问题补充:
  • Teacher, Im sorry. I pictured you face graffiti, I am very sorry, I hope you forgive me.


  • 人数在4人左右 片段长5到6分钟
  • 众所周知,堪称发明大王的爱迪生,他一生发明了2000多件作品,而电灯是最有成就的,然而,在爱迪生发明电灯的过程中,历经重重困难,做了几千次实验,最终才获得成功。。试想,如果爱迪生没有一颗坚强的心,没有顽强的意志,他能取得成功吗?他还能成为大家熟悉的发明大王吗?我们今天还能生活在光明的夜晚吗?因此,人生路上需坚强!


  • 为什么一个26岁女孩她的英文水平可能连初二英语课本都根本看不懂。这个女孩很多条件普通的男人根本不愿要。相反如果一个26岁女孩英文水达到大学英语六级。这个女孩通常嫁的都是条件好的男人。英文水平基本没有作用。为什么一个看不懂初二英语课本的女孩却没有多少男人愿意选择?
  • 26岁必须会马?


  • 《勇敢的心》《阿甘正传》《肖申克的救赎》都十分励志还有《追梦赤子心》